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Sunday 11 September 2011

2 Rupee Coin Collection

Asian Games 1982

  • Released on the occasion of the IXth Asian games, which were held at Delhi in 1982
 Globalizing Indian agriculture(Agriexpo 95)

  • Coin was released to mark the growing power of india in agriculture in production and export 
 Small family happy family 1993

Bio diversity:1993

  • World Food Day was proclaimed in 1979 to heighten public awareness of the challenges of hunger, malnutrition and poverty
2 rupee: Chhatrapati Shivaji

  • A 2 rupees commemorative copper-nickel coin was issued in the respect of Chatrapati Shivaji Mahraj in 1999.
  • This coin was issued when NDA party came into power with absolute majority in 1999.NDA comprise of 13 political parties at that time of whuch Shiv-Sena was a important member with a descent number of MPs. Shiv-Sena being an ardent supporter of Chatrapati Shivaji Mahraj may have caused this issue of this coin.

2 rupee, 2000: National integration

  • The theme for the 2 rupee coin has been national integration since the inception of the 2 rupee coin in 1982, and the design continued till 2004-05
2 rupee, Sri Aurobindo: 1998

  • On the reverse, we can see the figure of Sri Aurobindo within the circumscribing lettering "Sri Aurobindo all life is yoga", which is also written in Hindi.
2 rupee: Subhas Chandra Bose, 1997

2 rupee: Chittaranjan Das

  • Chittaranjan Das, whose life is a landmark in the history of India's struggle for freedom, was endearingly called 'Deshbandhu' (Friend of the country).

2 Rupee : Double Plus

  • In this two rupee coin, the obverse shows a "double plus" symbol with four dots on each side instead of the usual lion capital or the map of India. This symbol is believed to be a Christian cross, introduced on the coins through the RBI by the tsarina, the ElizabethI of India. A lot of hue and cry was raised as the symbol was believed to be a Christian cross , even though officially the theme of this coin is 'unity in diversity', and Mr. Narendra Modi has gone to lengths bringing this symbol on the rupee to the notice of the prople, causing the RBI to withhold the mintage of this design of the Indian rupee with the "cross". This rupee with the cross was minted only for the years 2005, 2006 & 2007 and after that this rupee was withdrawn.
2 rupee, 2010

  • Due to the uproar created by double cross symbol, the government had to withdraw the previous design , and it was replaced with the design shown above.
2 rupee: Louis Braille

  • Louis Braille creator of Braille script, which enabled thousands of blind people around the world to read, and give and take ideas and knowledge with the world.

2 Rupee Coin with Rupee Symbol (2011)

  • The latest coins issued by the Government of India have the new symbol of the Rupee. The new coin consist of the India Rupee Logo and the Lotus design. And the backside it has the Indian Emblem.
  • The new rupee coin is a good example of this thought process- only where the graphics are concerned on the coin.The size of the coin has been made a size smaller… the new 2 rupees coin is of the size the earlier 1 rupee coin.
  • It is very confusing as it is same size of the Indian 1rupee coin.

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